Day 3 : All About Abs

Now one of the main focuses for me during this detox is toning up. While I need to tone areas all over my body, the main focus is my abs, as it is for a lot of people who want a great bikini body.

There are loads of things you can do to tone up your abs and there are loads of workouts available. It just takes consistency and motivation and you’ll be able to get those washboard abs in no time! There’s no need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on all those technological things that claim to give you abs without the hard work. It can be as easy as trying one of the 30 Day Challenges just to get you started. They’re great because you can print off a calendar and stick it up which will help you to keep track and stay motivated. I actually tried one from Blogilates before I went on holiday earlier in the year and it was great. They provide a great starting point before you go into the more intense exercises. I’ll link it here for you to check out if you fancy it.

YouTube is also another great resource. There are loads of videos available for all levels and for different amounts of time. The variety in exercises is also vast, you’re bound to find something that suits you. I’ll link you to some of my favourites at the bottom of this post!

So after trying loads of different exercises, I’ve compiled a list of my Top 5 exercises to work on the abs which you can find below. Explanations on each can either be found in the videos I’ve linked you to or they’re easy enough to Google.


Hopefully this is of some help to you, and remember, you can do it! Push through that wall and work for that six pack!

Sparkle on! – Ellie .xx

Fitness Blender 10 Minute Ab Workout
Fitness Blender 8 Minute Ab Workout

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